Bee a Donor. Support the Honeybee Discovery Center.
Together we can help create a culture of pollinator awareness. Donations to the Honeybee Discovery Center go directly towards the construction of our new center.
Future Plans
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"In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught." —Baba Dioum, 1968
The Honeybee Discovery Center will be a leader in creating a cultural awareness of bees and the beekeepers who care for them. Interactive activities and displays will teach the importance of honeybees and native pollinators, and our world’s dependence upon them. Visitors will leave with an understanding of the responsibility we all share to conserve and support their habitat and species.
In order to build The Honeybee Discovery Center, we are relying on tax-deductible contributions from supporters like you. Philanthropy will bring the Discovery Center to life. A gift of any amount is sincerely appreciated.
The Honeybee Discovery Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and increasing agriculture education and awareness.
Thank you to our following supporters:
Agriculture & Business Professionals
Valerie Allinger
Connie Chrysler Anderson
Don & Barbara Anderson
Tina D. Ayon
Mardell Bacon
Banner Bank
Richard & Terrie Barr
Beekman & Beekman, UNLTD
Matthew Beekman
Janet Bertagna
Craig & Linda Bilsborough
Bordin-Huitt California Almond Ranch
Kathy L. Borgogno
Brandi Honey & Farming • Bob & Kathi Brandi
Butte County Farm Bureau
Butte Creek Foundation
Butte District
Buzz’s Bees
BZ Bee Pollination
California State Beekeepers Association
California Women for Agriculture
Can-Am Apiaries Inc. • Brad & Melissa Pankratz
Carriere Family Farms, LLC
Bill & Kathy Chance
Chico Electric
Chico Wood Craft • Jeff Ford
Teresa Chupp
Vickie Compton
Jack Corbett
Corning Ford
Lisa Cox • Cox Orchards
Dadant and Sons
Doug Dauterman
Dawson & Son Inc.
DBA and V Apiaries • David & Vicki Blair
Dennison’s Landscaping
Dersch Apiaries, Inc.
Enloe Medical Center
Erick Nielsen Enterprises
Erickson Walnut Ranch
Betty Jean Etchepare Family
Roger Everett
Jerry Faughn
Sandy Fiack
FirstCare Medical Associates
David Fleming
Joan L. Gannon
Garth E. Moore Insurance &
Financial Services Inc.
Gene Brandi Apiaries
Golden State Farm Credit
Gary & Nancy Griswold
Grzanich Brothers’ Orchards
HMC Architects
Hart Honey Farms • Barry Hart
Cindy Heffren
Patrick P. Heitkam
Anne & August Henning
Logan Herbert
Heritage Insurance Agency
Hightower Apiaries • Jerry Hightower
Hill and Ward Apiaries, Inc.
Oliver Hill
Rodney Hill
Stanley B. Hill
Linda & Dennis Hoffman
Honeybee Discovery Center Committee
J & L Bees Pollination • Jorge Sanchez
Jones Flying Services, Inc.
Kennedy Ranch—A Partnership
Steve Kennedy
Paul Keyawa
Sarwaree & Robeena Khan
Kalin & Lisa Koehnen
Kamron & Julie Koehnen
Lori Koehnen
Reed Koehnen
Yvonne Koehnen
Kraemer & Company Manufacturing, Inc.
Landon Enterprises Inc.
Larry’s Pest & Weed Control
Myrna Lohse
Lohse Bros.
M & K Farms • Karon LaMalfa
Mann Lake Beekeeping Supplies • Eric Foster
Mariani Nut Company Foundation
McCorkle Farms, Inc.
Richard McGowanKaren McHenry
Jody Meza
Mike Millar Farms • Mike & Rachelle Millar
Millar Farms Partnership
Mary Fiack Miller
Miller Honey Farms • Jason Miller
Miller Honey Farms • John Miller
Melinda Moore • Wer-Mor Honey
Moore Creek Apiaries LLC • Carolina Burreson
Charles Morse
Mount Diablo Beekeepers Association
Patricia Mullanix
Susan C. Murphy
Eric & Helen Mussen
Elina L. Niño
North Valley Ag Services
Kevin & Donica O’Laughlin
Olivarez Honey Bees, Inc.
Randall Oliver
Orland Area Chamber
James Paiva
Jackie Park-Burris Queens Inc. • Jackie Park-Burris
Byron & Lou Parsons
Carolyn Pendergrass
Diane Pitsker
Pollination Contracting Inc.
Powell Apiaries
Michael Prym
Queen of the Valley Almonds
RC Meline Orchards Inc. • Randy Meline
Regenald Michaud Aviation, LLC
Kathryn Roark
John Roller
Ross Honey Company
Robert Ryan
S&S Enterprises • Pat Stile
Scientific Ag Co.
Selzer Honey Farm
Selzer’s Pollination Service, Inc. • Kenneth Selzer
Shamrock Farms
Shasta Beekeepers Assoc.
A. Gary Shilling • In Memory of Bob Koehnen
Shimizu Bros., Inc.
Sohnrey Family Foods
Carole Southam
Jerry Southam
Cornelia J. Steinberg
Steve E. Park Apiaries, Inc. • Steve Park
Thomas Stewert
Jeff & Sharon Stover
Strachan Apiaries, Inc.
Studybaker & Son Inc.
Daniel Suhre
Sunshine Apiary, Inc.
The Bee Ranchers LLC
The Foor Foundation
The Hive Tribe
The Zenith
Ryan & Carrie Vanella
Alex Vereschagin, Jr.
Leslie Vermillion
Sharon Vincent
Violich Farms
Harold & Kathleen Von Bargen
Heidi & David Welch
Virginia Wenner
Z Man Machining
Joshua Zeldner
Zenith Agribusiness Solutions
Zenith Insurance Company